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Reflecting on a Year of Innovation: The i-STENTORE Project

As we reach the end of another year, it is a great opportunity to reflect on the significant advancements and achievements made by the i-STENTORE Project. This groundbreaking project has been at the forefront of examining the integration of diverse storage solutions, aiming to revolutionise how we perceive and utilise energy storage within modern power grids.

The Vision of i-STENTORE

The i-STENTORE Project set out with an ambitious vision: to explore and demonstrate the potential of innovative storage systems and their co-operation with integrated assets. The ultimate goals were clear—enhancing reliability, ensuring high power quality, achieving cost-efficient operations, and maximising the lifetime of assets.

Through the introduction of an umbrella framework, i-STENTORE is showcasing both stand-alone and hybrid storage solutions. These efforts have not only highlighted the multi-purpose use of storage but have also positioned storage as an active grid component capable of providing critical services.

Key Achievements of 2024

1. Project Meetings

The i-STENTORE Project held a series of dynamic and collaborative meetings over the year, which were crucial for guiding the project’s direction. This included three Plenary Meetings (Porto, Luxembourg, and Coimbra), several Collaboration Meetings with other projects funded under the same call, as well as meetings focused on energy efficiency initiatives. By prioritising open communication and inclusive participation, the project ensured that all voices were heard, contributing to the refinement of strategies and the successful advancement of the project’s objectives.

2. Demonstration Pilots

The i-STENTORE Project is currently making significant strides through a series of ongoing demonstration pilots that are addressing energy storage challenges across Europe. In Greece, the Living Lab is actively exploring a diverse array of renewable energy sources alongside energy storage technologies. Slovenia’s Demo 1 is in progress, showcasing the potential of Molten Glass Thermal Storage to enhance renewable energy utilization. Meanwhile, Demo 2 in Portugal is working on integrating Pump-Hydro with Battery Energy Storage Systems to improve energy efficiency. Spain’s Demo 3 is in development, aiming to launch a Virtual Energy Storage System that will facilitate the integration of renewable energy. Demo 4 in Italy is focused on creating a Cooperative Modular Multi-hybrid Energy Storage System designed for e-mobility services. Lastly, Demo 5 in Luxembourg is in the process of establishing an Agri-PV Farm with energy storage capabilities, highlighting the agricultural sector’s role in sustainable energy systems. Each of these pilots is generating valuable insights that will inform the ongoing development of future energy storage solutions.

3. Event Participation

The i-STENTORE Project participated in several key events throughout the year to showcase its advancements in energy storage. Highlights include the Lisbon Energy Summit from May 27-29, where they discussed storage integration in power grids, and the PEDG 2024 conference in Luxembourg from June 23-26, focusing on power electronics and energy storage systems. In October, they contributed significantly at ENLIT 2024 in Milan and WEBIT 2024 in Sofia, engaging with global leaders on sustainable energy practices. These events enhanced the project’s visibility and fostered collaboration with industry stakeholders.

4. Energy Talks

The i-STENTORE Project, in collaboration with AGISTIN, SINNOGENES, and 2LIPP, has launched a groundbreaking series of collaborative Energy Talks aimed at transforming knowledge exchange and networking within the energy sector. The series included discussions on a range of pertinent topics, such as the latest advancements in energy storage solutions, strategies for integrating storage with industrial needs and grid codes, the critical role of battery storage in enhancing energy resilience, transitioning to green technologies using existing infrastructure, and assessing the environmental impact of energy storage systems from a life cycle perspective. The upcoming Energy Talk is scheduled for January 29, 2025. Sign up here to secure your spot.

5. Research Articles

The i-STENTORE Project has led to numerous significant scientific publications by its partners, focusing on advancements in energy storage. Key studies include an examination of financial optimization in battery energy storage systems (BESSs), advanced grid management techniques, and the application of AI in predicting hydro reservoir inflows. Additional research covers economic dispatch algorithms for isolated systems, virtual energy storage solutions, and innovative strategies for hybrid systems and multi-use operations. These publications collectively enhance the understanding and application of energy storage technologies. Explore further information about these publications here.

Envisioning the Future

As we look forward to the coming year, the i-STENTORE Project remains committed to pushing the boundaries of energy storage integration. Building on the success of this year, the project aims to further refine its models, expand collaborative efforts, and continue to drive innovation in the field. As we enter the last phases of the project, we will focus on finalising key deliverables, ensuring thorough testing and validation of our solutions. This crucial stage will not only solidify our achievements but also set the groundwork for future advancements in energy storage technology.

Stay tuned for more updates as i-STENTORE continues to lead the charge in redefining energy storage and its role in modern power grids.

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i-STENTORE Fourth Plenary Meeting

i-STENTORE Project Successfully Gathers for 4th Plenary Meeting in Coimbra, Portugal

Coimbra, Portugal – December 17-18, 2024 – The i-STENTORE Project, focused on innovative Energy Storage Technologies to enhance renewable energy integration, successfully held its 4th Plenary Meeting at the Instituto Pedro Nunes. The two-day event brought together all project partners to discuss progress, address challenges, and strategise for the upcoming phases of the project.

Day 1 centered on various work packages, including Project Management (WP1), Specification of Energy Storage Flexibility Requirements (WP2), Development and Integration of the i-STENTORE System (WP3), i-STENTORE Demonstration Across Technologies and Scenarios (WP4), Evaluation, Assessment, Replication, and Scalability Potential (WP5), and Dissemination, Exploitation, Standardization, and Impact Outreach (WP6). The consortium collaborated to address challenges, refine specifications, and strategize for the next phases of our project. For WP6, the partners participated in a dedicated brainstorming session to explore and suggest innovative ideas for project promotion and dissemination. Additionally, the progress and next steps for Demo 1: Molten Glass Thermal Storage to Enhance Renewable Energy Adoption in Slovenia and Demo 2: Pump-Hydro Storage System Integrated with BESSs in Portugal were discussed and analised.

On Day 2, attention turned to the other demonstration scenarios, featuring Demo 3: Virtual Energy Storage System for Renewable Energy Integration in Spain, Demo 4: Cooperative Modular Multi-hybrid Energy Storage System for e-mobility services in Italy, and Demo 5: Agri-PV Farm with Energy Storage Capabilities in Luxembourg. The team provided valuable insights, tackled technical challenges, and planned strategies for the effective implementation of these groundbreaking energy solutions.

The Plenary Meeting concluded with strategic planning sessions, fostering alignment among participants on project goals and next steps. The i-STENTORE Project continues to make strides towards revolutionising energy storage technologies and promoting a sustainable future.


Time to team up? Colocation of resources to speed up power system transition

The lack of power grid capacity became a new norm in many countries. The grid congestion map of the Netherlands became a hallmark featuring in many energy policy discussions these days. And the problem is not limited to the Netherlands, nor to Europe. Nor to renewables: storage and load are also queuing.

As power grids are the main integrators of future energy systems, their unavailability is evolving to be a key barrier to the energy transition.  Connection requests piling up forced many governments to take action. There are fundamentally 3 ways to mitigate grid scarcity: better utilization of existing grids, more efficient (re)allocation of remaining grid capacities, and building new grid infrastructure. The first two options include various quick fixes, often through regulatory changes. Building new assets comes with a much longer lead time.

One increasingly popular and easy way to optimize the use of existing grids is to move away from the principle of ‘one resource behind each connection point’.

Colocation/cable pooling/hybridization means several resources share the same grid connection point and most often the site as well.  Sometimes the distinction is made between resources that are:

  • Co-located (under separate control) or hybridized (under joint optimization);
  • A secondary resource collocates to the existing primary or they are developed jointly from the beginning (‘hybrid power plans’);
  • Resources are AC or DC coupled.

Potentially all kinds of resources can be co-located. The current policy discussion in the US is about building datacenters at power plants. While Amazon and Google try to secure generation to meet the load of their planned datacenters, FERC, the US federal regulator, is concerned that such bilateral agreement provides unfair benefit for these new loads against other system users. They take away valuable dispatchable generation resources from the power system and avoid paying for the cost of transmission grid upgrade for their separate connection. 

Some projects pair solar and wind to capitalize on the complemental profiles of the two technologies. Examples of such projects are in countries like Turkey, Spain and Portugal

Most often, however, colocation means the pairing of renewables and storage. Solar-plus-storage is by far the dominant configuration of hybridization in the future. The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) reports that in the US, “hybrid power plants comprised 55.2% of active bulk solar capacity and 51.7% of active bulk energy storage capacity in the interconnection queue at the end of 2023.” 

Benefits of colocation

Colocating solar with battery storage offers various system benefits. Average solar uses approximately 10-14% of its connection capacity at nameplate and at times of scarce grid availability, to increase this allows more clean resources to be connected quicker. The complementarity of the load curves of the technologies increases the utilization rate of the connection point. The avoided curtailment of renewables that was due to network congestion reduces emissions by less reliance on dispatchable fossils.

Distribution system operators (DSOs) benefit from having to process less feasibility assessment as secondary resources do not require extra grid connection capacity. Sharing of a connection point means that the resources behind the same connection point take over the optimization from the DSOs by agreeing on how they share the connection capacity and settle grid fees among themselves. 

The business case for participants in colocation comes from higher revenues and reduced costs vis-à-vis separate installations. First, it increases revenues by firming solar generation and reduced curtailment. Secondary resources (in most cases storage) can get online quicker by jumping the connection queue. If co-located storage is allowed to charge from the grid as well (banned in some countries that can turn to be a major disadvantage) then early entry to ancillary and wholesale markets provides higher revenue when the market gets more saturated. Cost saving is often as impactful drive as revenue opportunities, especially for colocation designed as hybrid plants from the onset. Cost can be saved on connection cost and equipment, especially if the resources are DC coupled, on site overhead in the form of rent and insurance, and lower network losses. 

Some examples across Europe

Some European countries provide active support to co-located solar and battery energy storage systems (BESS), most often integrated to their renewable support auctions. Germany launched Innovation Tenders in 2020 that are open to projects combining two or more renewable or clean energy technologies (one should be either wind or solar). The storage system can only store electricity generated by the co-located renewable generation assets and cannot charge from the grid. The last round saw bids amounting for 1.8GW compared to the 583MW tendered capacity. All cleared projects were solar-plus-storage. Hungary introduced mandatory storage in its 2022 renewable tender. Storage must have a minimum nominal capacity of 10% of the generation asset and be accredited for automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFFR). At the same time – as there is no grid capacity available in the whole territory of Hungary for variable generation capacities – mandatory colocation of BESS (or DSR) for any new variable generation (practically solar) assets became a condition for grid connection in July 2022. The rule has been suspended – due to pushback of stakeholders – in December 2022 until further notice. Spain organized a dedicated tender for co-located renewable and storage projects in 2023. The first PERTE tender for 150M EUR targeting 600MW oversubscribed with more than 1.1 GW/1.1GWh capacity. The tender awarded CAPEX support based on several criteria:

  • Economic Viability (35%): Mainly including support level required;
  • Technical features (25%): MW/MWh-ratio, Round-Trip-Efficiency, Advanced controls capability including Inertia, Short-Circuit Levels, Oscillation Damping, Black-Start;
  • Project viability (10%): Status of permitting process, Risk mitigation plan, Applicants execution experience;
  • Externalities (30%): Employment generation, Supply Chains, Environmental aspects.

Other countries are opening up the colocation option outside of their renewable support regime. Poland allowed cable pooling of renewables in 2023 to keep their growth despite the lack of grid connection possibilities. Even if it is a novel option, two problems have been already identified: it excludes storage, and secondary assets are not eligible for renewable support. In the UK, projects awarded contracts for difference (CfDs) are able to co-locate with a battery. With only a handful of projects in operation, it is yet to be seen how much of the potential will be delivered. The UK is the most advanced market for solar-plus-storage PPAs as well even though the different business models of the two resources require innovation in deal structuring

Even though the new Energy Law that contains this change has not been approved yet, the regulator in the Netherlands already allows for cable pooling both with new and existing connections to ease grid connection queues. Cable pooling is limited to connection from 2MVA and for a maximum of 4 installations. The participating installations must be located at the same site. 


Colocation is not going to be a silver bullet for eliminating grid constraints and to develop a forward-looking coordinated development of new generation, new load and new grids. Carving out resources from the power system in any forms, such as colocation, energy communities, microgrids or corporate PPAs, means fencing off system value for the participating users. It needs to be assessed against the system benefits it creates by quicker and cheaper decarbonization. It can however increase the utilization of existing grids and reduce the volume of new grids that needs to be built. In the meantime, it allows for getting clean resources online earlier and thus speeding up the decarbonization of the power system. Transparency platforms, such as hosting capacity maps mandated by the EU Grid Action Plan, that provide information on grid users (current and queuing) and grid utilization could act as matchmakers for complementary resources and allow for informed locational choices for batteries as well. Colocation can provide benefit – additional to grid access and cost – to the investors by improving renewable capture rates and sharing site cost of hybrid projects. And to the system as a whole by reducing price cannibalization.