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i-STENTORE in the 12th edition of InnoGrid

Brussels, June 14 2023 – i-STENTORE participated in the 12th edition of InnoGrid, jointly organised by E.DSO and ENTSO-E, that took place in Brussels.

The technology and innovation developments needed to implement the energy transition towards a decarbonised power system, in a context marked by emergency situations, was the main focus subject discussed during the event.

i-STENTORE was represented by Nikolaos Bilidis, the Project Coordinator, and Ana Luisa Alves, Project Manager, in the Policy Conference contributing with innovative storage systems to empower green energy.

The Conference “Between urgency and energy transition: getting the balance right” was organised to demonstrate the role of innovation towards a decarbonised, digitalised and decentralised power system in the future.

i-STENTORE team explained to the participants how the Project is contributing to this path, crucial to the global sustainable development.

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